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Welcome to Joe Paul's page of tattoo designs. Joe spends most of his time designing custom works on request, but he also creates custom pieces of art that are ready to be tattooed.
Please have a look at the designs on offer below. If you see a design you like, but would like a modification, you may contact Joe directly by texting 510-629-0320 to discuss the possibilities directly with Joe.
You may follow the instructions below to schedule an appointment for any of these designs.
1. Select a tattoo design below.
2. Note the number of the tattoo design in the upper right corner of each design.
3. Text 510-629-0320 and provide:
Your name, design number, and placement on the body.
4. Joe will then contact you to follow up with any questions, and will set an appointment date/time with you.
THANK YOU for looking and booking! For any questions related to additional custom work, please contact Joe directly via text at 510-629-0320.

Below are pictures of the design, along with possible placements on the body.
All of the pieces below provide a general pricing window based on final size and placement. As everyone is differently sized, these prices are an estimation of cost. Once you decide on a design and fill out the booking, Joe will contact you to go over exact details of your tattoo and will provide you a cost at that time.
Joe is always happy to find ways to work within people's budgets! So please feel free to reach out directly to Joe to discuss any and all details regarding your tattoo.



Have an animal that you love? Below are sample pictures of animal portrait designs, along with possible placements on the body. Animal can be swapped with a pooch or kitty or any animal of your liking! You can provide that info when you book.


As everyone is differently shaped and sized, please note that all designs shown may be modified for your body's best fit.

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